“Resilience Consulting Services” LLC has conducted ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) Baseline Assessment for cleaning, camping, hospitality, food and beverage services of “Uniservice Solution” LLC from 01 September 2021 to 25 October 2021.

Total of 195 criteria have been assessed during the ESG Baseline Assessment and identified 188 conformities and 7 partial conformities. The result show 96,3% full conformity. The assessment result indicate positive impact of Uniservice Solution to the society out good practice benchmark in the business society.
The organization of the board of directors and executive management is well established as well as its document control and data security. The guiding principles of Uniservice Solution are clearly defined in the “Then Code of Business Ethics”, that represents a stable foundation for team success embraced by mutual trust.
IT has come a flagship in the service sector abiding national and international standards. Furthermore, the company owns the copyright of the Cleaning service standard CS11- 0347:2016 of the Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrolology.
Uniservice Solution is committed to create a Diverse, Equitable, Inclusive (DEI) work environment to maintain a successful workplace that founded on the principle that all people can thrive personally.
Uniservice Solution contributes to the inclusion of equity by creating a comfortable working environment for single mothers and elderly employees enabling them to increase their household incomes, secure in the society as an equal member and lead an active social life.
Uniservice Solution contributes significantly to community building by creating jobs and hiring local residents, which ensures them a stable income, and gives them the ability to improve themselves by expanding their knowledge, including communication skills and personal development and their surrounding environment, and offering career development opportunities. Also, it brings indirect positive changes to the whole family allowing children to grow in a healthier and more hygienic environment with shared family values and emotional connection.
Uniservice Solution proactively addresses emerging issues related to hazardous waste and minimizes adverse impacts of chemical products to the natural environment by using green cleaning products in their day-to-day operation.
Following improvement opportunities have been identified for further enhancement of ESG management and implementation.
- Engage in Environmental, social, governance management in a more systematic way
- Define and develop environmental, occupational health and safety, and sustainable purchase strategies, policy, and objectives.